This paper presents the results of the multi-method evaluation of the CLARISSA Cash Plus pilot, which was an innovative social…
BRAC Institute of Governance and Development
BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) is a postgraduate resource and policy research centre. Dedicated to making positive impacts in the lives of people at large, BIGD advocates for improved governance across all areas of its work. BIGD will take on the role of lead research partner to IDS in Bangladesh, providing design expertise, overseeing data-collection and contributing to the analysis.
The Veil as Armour: Observations from the CLARISSA project
The CLARISSA consortium seeks to find innovative solutions for children in hazardous and exploitative labour. Currently, the BRAC Institute of…
We want to fly fearless like this bird
In March, the CLARISSA Bangladesh team organised a participatory training workshop for the children who would facilitate the life story…