The Government of Nepal is committed to addressing the issue of child labour and to making Nepal child labour free,…
Participatory Action Research
Beyond the Participatory Action Research Process – Achievement with Business Owners!
Three months after formally closing down the action research group, “Night Entertainment Business Association Group of Dohori and Dance Bar…
Improving Community Health: The Power of Needs-Based Community Mobilizing and Health Camps
The CLARISSA Social Protection intervention’s objective is to support people in building their individual, household, and group capacities. Our hypothesis…
In search of hope
“Apa, you know my hand was not that hard as you see now, the bumps grew up in my hand…
Using a ‘Partnership Rubric’ in Participatory Evaluations
Programmes that aim to tackle complex societal issues, such as the worst forms of child labour, require rich partnerships that…
Clarissa Cash Plus: Innovative Social Protection in Bangladesh
Social protection, and cash transfers especially, have been found to have many positive impacts on families’ lives and are now…
Fact-findings sharing with UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty, human rights and CLARISSA social protection piloting
From 17 to 29 May, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Olivier de Schutter, visited Bangladesh…
Art, craft, and the science of facilitation in a complex partnership programme
Facilitation is a crucial tool for everyone but especially for research and development professionals working in the international development space….
Exhibition on “Our neighbourhood, our lives: Impact of Covid-19 through children’s eyes”
“When we got involved in this research project, we could not anticipate how the pictures will be used. After coming…
Child-centred approach reveals the dynamics driving child labour in Nepal’s AES
CLARISSA has a participatory and child-centred approach that supports children to gather evidence, analyse it themselves and generate solutions to…