There is growing recognition that solutions which draw on children’s experiences are more effective and more likely to avoid unintended consequences. Working children risk being excluded from platforms set up to discuss the elimination of child labour, as they are seen by some as making demands contrary to the aim of eliminating child labour.
In this session, we will assess how listening to children might lead to more sustainable solutions to child labour with input from those involved in projects addressing child labour in Asia through child participation.
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The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Street Children is an informal cross-party group of MPs and Peers who are interested in promoting the rights of street children worldwide and raising awareness of the issues they face. The APPG is launching an inquiry into child labour. Children in street situations are disproportionately likely to be involved in child labour, including the most dangerous and exploitative forms of work. This inquiry will attempt to understand what continues to drive children into dangerous and exploitative labour, and what more can be done by the UK government to prevent it.
The Inquiry will consist of both live evidence sessions, and written evidence, and will culminate in a report to the UK Government. The APPG on Street Children convenes meetings in Parliament to discuss issues and share information about street-connected children worldwide, and communicates concerns to parliamentarians, ambassadors and governments.
This is final session of the inquiry, focusing on the children’s voices. This session will hear from child participation experts from organisations that are working to address child labour in Asia.