Chain Reaction is a film that explores the CLARISSA programme’s ground-breaking participatory Action Research approach.

In Nepal, CLARISSA worked with children and small business owners in five locations in Kathmandu where there is a high concentration of children working in the worst forms of child labour in the Adult Entertainment Sector (AES).
CLARISSA’s work in Bangladesh focussed on Dhaka slum neighbourhoods and communities linked to leather supply-chains and included a highly innovative social protection intervention to reduce children’s involvement in hazardous work and the worst forms of child labour.

Hard Labour in Kathmandu and Dhaka
An immersive, visual, multi-lingual platform showcasing stories about working children.

People-driven solutions: an introduction to facilitating deep participation for systemic change through Systemic Action Research programming
A practical learning and reflection series for development and humanitarian practitioners based on learning and evidence generated by CLARISSA.