Child Labour: Action-Research-Innovation in South and South-Eastern Asia (CLARISSA) is a recently completed evidence and innovation-generation programme, responding to the…
Children-Women in Social Service and Human Rights
CWISH is a non-profit based in Kathmandu that aims to ensure social justice, protection and promotion of human rights, particularly those of children across Nepal. CWISH is a long-standing member of Consortium for Street Children. Within CLARISSA CWISH will, as part of the Nepal country team, deliver participatory processes and innovations. They will also lead on advocacy for the programme in Nepal.
CLARISSA’s participation in the UNCRC direct exchange
CLARISSA places a particular focus on listening to and including children in all decisions that affect them. In Nepal and…
Policy Analysis of Child Labour in Nepal
The Government of Nepal is committed to addressing the issue of child labour and to making Nepal child labour free,…
Beyond the Participatory Action Research Process – Achievement with Business Owners!
Three months after formally closing down the action research group, “Night Entertainment Business Association Group of Dohori and Dance Bar…
Causal analysis with working children, the CLARISSA experience
The pathways through which children end up in the worst forms of child labour are multifaceted, uncertain and not well…
Applying the River of Life method to support reflection and learning in Terre des hommes Nepal
Initially, the CLARISSA programme used the River of Life (RoL) method in two evaluation analysis workshops which were facilitated by…
Child-centred approach reveals the dynamics driving child labour in Nepal’s AES
CLARISSA has a participatory and child-centred approach that supports children to gather evidence, analyse it themselves and generate solutions to…
Nepal gallery walk: Children in child labour inspiring change with creativity
Creativity, teambuilding and cooperative learning provide children with greater leverage in combating the worst forms of child labour (WFCL) that mostly…
Children’s participation and views should be at the heart of child-friendly local governance
Children are disproportionately vulnerable to harms and adverse living conditions such as abuse, harassment, exploitative labour, and environmental pollution. In…
In Conversation: How can Nepal eliminate the worst forms of child labour?
In May 2022, the CLARISSA Nepal team organised a conversation between child labour experts, hosted by Nepal Live Today. The…